Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mini Bake-Sale

¡Ya tenemos página de Facebook!

En realidad eso no es nada nuevo, sólo nos tardamos en publicarlo en el blog. d:

La razón por la que desaparecimos durante estos últimos meses es que hemos estado practicando e investigando recetas y técnicas para mejorar nuestro entendimiento de las bases de repostería. Un cursito por aquí, un montón de tutoriales por acá, todo por mejorar.

El viernes pasado tuvimos una venta de pastelitos y galletas a la que le dedicamos una semana entera para preparar. Después de momentos de alegría y otros de frustración, todo salió muy bien y, lo más importante, delicioso.

Para esta ocasión quisimos ofrecer tres tipos de sabores: uno clásico, uno un poco mas aventurero y otro inesperado:

Very Vanilla, un pastelito de vainilla
con betún de vainilla y confetti de colores.
Chocolate - Mint, pastelito de chocolate
con betún de menta y chispitas de chocolate.
Berry Cream-cheese, pastelito de mora azúl
con betún de queso crema y chispitas moradas.

Interesantemente, el más popular fue Berry Cream-cheese.

También ofrecimos galletas con frases que hacían referencia a la cultura geek:

Embolsando galletas de azúcar.

Con frases relacionadas a Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter y Game of Thrones, ¡nuestras galletas fueron un éxito!

La noche antes de la venta

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hippie Birthday Cake

Last week, a friend of mine ordered a cake for her mom's birthday; she wanted it to be hippie themed, colorful and with flowers, and all made with fondant.

I really took my time with this cake because it was my first time working with fondant on a bigger scale (see Alice in Wonderland post), and it was also my first time with a proper frosting spatula and an improvised rotating cake stand.

First the cake.
I made a basic yellow cake that turns a very pretty golden color once baked.

For the frosting I made vanilla buttercream and used my new frosting spatula and the makeshift rotating cake stand to frost it as neatly and evenly as possible.

I admit this is the first time I've ever made such pretty frosting.

My mom loves to play with fondant, so she came over and helped me with it. I covered the cake with purple marshmallow fondant, and made some bicolor flowers to decorate the sides. I was gonna make a peace and love decoration for the center, but we decided a multicolor flower would look better.

The spots you can see on the fondant is just water, I took the pics before it dried but I'm planning to take another one right before I deliver it.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mini Blueberry Muffins

Last saturday, my boyfriend and I sort of had an early Valentine's day celebration. He had everything planned for dinner: he would prepare three pieces of meat with one rub each (pepper, brown sugar and coffee), make some asparagus with garlic butter and mash potato.

When we went to pick up everything at the grocery store, I asked him if he wanted me to make some dessert and he said he wanted "something bread-y". I knew I had everything at home to make something "bread-y", except for that something special, so I grabbed some blueberries and decided to make my first-ever blueberry muffins.

They were moist and soft inside, with a delicious thin crust on the top!

Note for the future: use more bluberries!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Midnight Chocolate-Chip Cookies

Happy new year, everyone!

This year I celebrated with my family. My boyfriend and I had a hearty meal at my grandma's and left a little before midnight to go home and save my dog from having a heart attack with all the fireworks.

Right after the clock stroke midnight, I had the sudden urge to make my first chocolate-chip cookies ever because I knew I had Hershey's semi-sweet chocolate chips and a huge bag of some sweet, generic chocolate chips.

I used Hershey's recipe for Chocolate Chip cookies and I HAD to eat one with a glass of milk as soon as it came out of the oven.

They are delicious!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Snow men cupcakes

I haven't had much time to bake anything lately, but I really wanted to make something for christmas. A friend of mine showed me a picture of melted snowmen cookies that were very cute and funny, so I decided to make snowmen cupcakes!

Another friend of mine invited me and my boyfriend on friday (Dec 23) to make a Brioche and to help me make the cupcakes. We were so hungry by the time he brioche was done, that we forgot to take pics, but here, have a picture of it just before we put it in the oven!

The cupcake cups were a little tall, I think they're actually for muffins... Anyway, this is the second time I try this vanilla cupcake recipe and it was as good as the first time!

We made three batches of those, and while the last batch was in the oven, I started to decorate the snowmen heads: marshmallows with black icing.

Oh look, you can see some of the Brioche in that pic!

I started with neutral ones, with eyes and mouths of "coal", then we got excited and my friend and boyfriend kept giving me ideas! Toon Link that ended up looking like Michael Jackson, a Sheikah Stone, Doug, money eyes, a snowman in love, Harry Potter and Voldemort (which ended up looking like a chinese man), a zombie, dead snowmen (burned marshmallows).

Then I made the frosting, and they went to buy some oreo cookies for the hats... which ended up being berrets 'cause we couldn't figure our how to make a top hat.

They added the noses, we added the hats and frosted the cupcakes and...

Neutral snowmen, three eyed snowman, Harry Potter and Money eyes.

Snow man in love.

Burnt snowman

Zombie snowman.

Elvis snowman.

We even made a Bert!

Happy Holidays!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Lilac Cupcakes

Some pretty chocolate cupcakes I baked for my Grandmother's 86th birthday. I'm in love with the vanilla lilac frosting and the pink pearls, despite them being a little bit hard to chew. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

More Christmas Cupcakes

Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla frosting. Tried the open star tip with the green frosting cupcakes and the closed star tip with the white frostin cupcakes. Only 10 days for Christmas!